exclusively curated by H.C.
exclusively curated by H.C.
Colour and Blanque is an apparel company focused on bringing unique artistic points of view to casual essentials and limited edition pieces. In addition to our own couture and ready to wear line, we are the exclusive purveyors of physical reproductions for Artistes de Grand Cru.
All of our products carry not only our brand logo and glyph but also carry the call letters of our collective (H.C.) in its unique script and font. Our call letters represent the collective's name which itself represents an actual term specific to its use and placement in the business of art. This term, while specific to its function in the provenance and sale of art also serves as the operating principle of the collective's primary ethos.
We often use détournement and recuperation as a means of social critique and commentary.
We are artists making art wearable.
When was the last time your wall went for a walk in the park or socially distanced at the grocery store?
All of our pieces are unique, limited editions.
Collect them, wear them, and enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them.
First up is our inaugural capsule: Survivors Series.
A collection of 7 unique and original pieces by 10 and Dredske.
Available now: #1 of 7: "Where's Harvey ?!"
Puts a voice and a vision to a question women the world over wish they could yell at the top of their lungs.
Limited to 300 units only.
- H.C.
(Cover image on home page: "Dragons (God Tier)" by Dredske, 2018, private collection)
(Image this page: "Le Coin" photograph by 10, 2018)